Lamb Lisp is an industrial-quality implementation of the Scheme dialect of the programming language Lisp, optimized for microprocessors. It’s currently under development on the Espressif ESP32S3 AI-enhanced processor.
LISP is the original language of artificial intelligence, and is the second-oldest programming language still in use (after Fortran).
The Scheme variant of Lisp has many features familiar to programmers in other languages, such as lexical scoping, duck typing, and interactive programming, as well as advanced features such as tail recursion, first-class procedures, and dynamic code generation.
Lamb Lisp additionally adds a compact interpreter-centered architecture, hashed symbol table and environment frames for speed, and adaptive real-time garbage collection for predictable loop times with minimal jitter.
Lamb Lisp has a full Arduino API compatibility layer, and a simple interface for additional application-specific functions written in C++.
Lamb Lisp code can be downloaded over-the-air, incrementally, without requiring reboot.
Lamb Lisp is an implementation of the Scheme R7RS dialect of Lisp. LISP is the original language of artificial intelligence, and is the second-oldest programming language still in use (after Fortran).
Lamb Lisp has additional features optimized for microprocessors that are sensing or controlling the real world. Whether operating a camera, sniffing the air, or operating mechanical devices, microprocessors are at the heart of every control system in the 21st century.
Lamb Lisp provides an Arduino-compatible API for I2C (Wire) digital and analog pin I/O, and for network connectivity.
Lamb Lisp puts the entire language system on the microprocessor, on top of a base layer in C++. The base layer is much smaller than a typical all-C++ application, leaving more room for the Lamb Lisp application layer. This also means fewer opportunities for bugs in the base layer, and fewer reasons to require an update.
No external tool chain (gcc-based or otherwise) is needed to update Lamb Lisp code. Use any available communication channel to read in new or replacement Lamb Lisp code into the file system. Organize the Lamb Lisp code into dictionary entries or file system entries, and they can be replaced incrementally, on the fly, without full over-the-air update and without requiring a reboot.
Lamb Lisp’s optimized architecture utilizes pre-treated code (i.e., not fully compiled) to reduce the “semantic distance” between the application as-computed and the idealized executing application, without requiring a native code generator and off-board compilation. Lamb Lisp uses a “direct-connect” technique, in which high-speed operations implemented in C++ are executed through pointers directly embedded into Lisp objects. In this way the semantic distance between the Lamb Lisp layer and the machine layer can be optimized, by implementing time-critical Lisp layer functions in C++. All of the Lamb Lisp language primitives are implemented this way, and it is possible to add additional Lamb Lisp functions implemented in C++. They are treated as any other first-class function.
This project was started after a review of available options for embedded Lisp/Scheme came up with no candidates. General objections to existing Lisp/Scheme implementations were: